
Position monitors with integrated
direct-acting solenoid

a decade of making Position Monitors better,
we thought it was time to simplify actuator control.
a great percentage of today's automated valves
are standardly supplied with position feedback
monitors, the basic engineering concept for
actuator control can now be simplified. Lock
in the valve body, Load on the solenoid coil.
Through a modular design having only five components
(3 valve bodies, 2 coils), a wide range of solenoid
valve applications may be readily satisfied
within a single integrated assembly.

Series 33

Series 34

Series 44
Three Body Styles |
direct-acting valve bodies, available in aluminum,brass
or stainless steel, cover a range of applications
that include 3-way, 3-way with internal rebreather,4-way,
Namur mount and high Cv. requirements.
Two Universal Coils
coils, carrying a T6 temperature rating, are capable of operating
3-way direct-acting valves throughout a voltage range of 24
VAC/VDC to 120 VAC/VDC and 4-way valves at a voltage of either
120 VAC or 120 VDC.