- Visually stunning
presentation. Illustrates key points with superb graphics and artistic
page layout, with "sidenote" explanations
- Step-by-step guide provides all the information needed to select the
right instrument for each type of application
- Gives sufficient information for a process engineer or plant manager
to design a complete gas monitoring system
- Includes technical guides for checking and maintaining gas monitoring
- Colorful appendix allows instant look-up of key characteristics of
384 relevant gases
- Includes easy-to-understand treatment of the theory of sensor
technology as well as the practical aspects
to this lavishly illustrated, full-color guide and quickly grasp the
basics of gas monitoring instruments for area air quality and safety
applications! It's got everything engineers, designers, and safety
officers need to determine the right instruments for the job, clearly
presented for quick, efficient understanding and easy reference.
in particular will benefit from the scores of essential technical
definitions and health and fire safety terms, as well as explanations of
the toxicity and combustibility of gases and how to monitor them. Five
clearly written chapters cover the full range of sensors most commonly
used for gas monitoring applications, including sensor type, operating
characteristics, and typical uses - as well as the pros and cons of using
one sensor instead of another. In addition, ten other analyzer
technologies are discussed, providing readers with an understanding of
their operating principles and their applications. An illustrated color
graphic, "Sensor Selection Overview," gives a birds eye view of
gas analyzing technology.
the proper monitoring devices and deploying them correctly is faster and
simpler than ever with this unique gas technology resource. This
one-of-a-kind handbook provides detailed roadmaps for implementing the
devices, showing which sensor to use for different applications,
designing and laying out a gas monitoring system, and calibrating and
maintaining the system.